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Creating Community

Developing an Online Resource for Outdoor Involvement Among Children With Disabilities


Find Trails Neat You!

There are tons of accessible trails around the Missoula area that provide a great way to connect with the beautiful environment around.

Potential Activities

Check out the Modified Activities page for ideas on how to change activities to better accommodate individuals

Equity vs Equality

All people should be able to to enjoy the outdoors and recreational activities no matter the level of ability. We hope that this resources will help bridge the gap of exclusion within activities.

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Benefits and Barriers

Children experience numerous mental and physical benefits from engaging in outdoor activity. Technology has become a significant factor in children's struggle to spend time outdoors. As our technological use skyrockets and more and more children have access to social media and electronic games at their fingertips, it has become harder to encourage children to spend time outdoors. Children with disabilities are even less likely to be included in outdoor activities due to social and accessibility barriers. Social inclusion in both outdoor freeplay and specified outdoor recreation programs is lacking for children with disabilities, furthering the issue of lowered involvement. Outdoor programs in schools would benefit from becoming more inclusive for all youth. Although small-scale programs exist to make the outdoors more accessible to children with disabilities, more comprehensive support is needed. Creating a website that combines resources available to those with disabilities about outdoor recreation could help increase outdoor involvement among children with disabilities.

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